We are a social enterprise which means that we offer services and products that generate a profit to further our mission. As a purpose driven entity, we are laser focussed on our vision of inspiring all kind to every kind.
We thought long and hard about which business model could have the most ALL KIND impact. We researched, consulted, and did some soul searching to finally realize that our mission had the answer all along. Kindness as a lifestyle-means kindness in all aspects. A for-profit business means that we are sustainable and not relying on asking others to keep us afloat. We are in a position of giving vs. one of needing to receive. Kindness.
This means that those who do donate will be doing so because they believe in the mission-not so that they get a tax break.
We are transparent with our budget.
We believe that doing things for the right reasons, is worth sharing and spreading the word. All kind. In all kinds of ways.
By creating and promoting products and services that embody kindness, we strive to create a movement that permeates through all aspects of society, from individuals to large-scale systemic changes. As a social enterprise, we can have a broader impact by creating products and services that not only address the social movement, but also drive economic growth, and provide additional benefits to communities. This creates a ripple effect of positive change that compounds the goodness of our mission.
As a social enterprise, our organization is able to generate revenue through our services and products. This allows us to sustainably fund our mission. While non-profits rely on donations and grants to operate, our model allows us to be primarily self-sufficient, not relying on external funding sources.
As a for-profit social enterprise, we can support non-profit missions that align with ours, by offering our products, services and making donations. Not competing for donations from donor pools means we can work alongside and with other great missions to expand kindness.
As a social enterpsie, we have greater flexibility in terms of our operations and busness model. We are more nimble in adapting to changes in the market and social landscape, allowing us to pivot and innovate in ways that nonprofit organizations may not be able to.
We operate with an entrepreneurial mindset, which means we are focused on creating sustainable, scalable solutions that can generate social impact while also being financially viable. This mindset can lead to greater innovation and efficiency in achieving social impact.
We believe that being kind is a lifestyle, and part of a lifestyle is what you do for a living. Therefore, we believe in the positive impact social enterprises can have in the world, and want to be an example not only in what we do to inspire kindness, but HOW we do it.
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