Albert Einstein
Let’s begin with the facts:
Research shows that people who demonstrate kindness have higher self-esteem, lower anxiety and less depression. Being kind can increase the feel-good hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine. And beyond that, kindness is now recognized as a form of intelligence.
Being on the receiving end of kindness has also been the focus of research. Not being self-sufficient at birth means we require the care of others to survive, so we are wired to receive kindness. Kind and loving touch, for instance, affects our nervous system, which activates the part of the brain that can help us to feel relaxed, safe and calm.
But we don’t need facts to know the true value of kindness. Morally, ethically, spiritually, religiously...there’s no arguing the importance of kindness on this planet.
That’s where we come in.
We at All Kind Project believe we humans have some beautiful room to grow to become a kinder world. We’d like to inspire, encourage, and promote that movement in two ways.
First, by encouraging kindness as a way of being vs. a random act. While random acts do bless the world immensely, it’s the ongoing kindness as a lifestyle that we believe will elevate our communities. We want to nurture the practice of kindness by inspiring each response, action and thought to be filtered through a way of asking, “is this all kind?” This practice in time, becomes an inherent way of being, revealing the compassion within.The kindness that comes from within must begin with compassion to ourselves. So that kindness shown towards others, other living things and the planet, comes from a gentle and genuine place of self love instead of it simply being an effort.
Secondly, then, we want to foster unbiased kindness; being kind without discriminating. While we applaud all of the wonderfully kind deeds going on everywhere every day, we believe we all have room to grow to become more compassionate humans without bias. We strive to foster a way of being that sees beyond age, religious, ethnical, and species differences. Where we don’t deem one person or being or creature as more worthy of being treated with respect and gentleness over another. We want to promote being as kind to ourselves as we are to others, as kind to a stranger as to our own friend, as kind to livestock as we are to our pets and as kind to our planet as we are to the homes we live in. .
All Kind. Being kind to every kind.
That’s why we do it.
We hope you’ll do it with us.
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